Today was the last day of school for Atlanta public schools and we were given a monumental challenge. Saji, Josie, and I were given the opportunity to do our, "Be The Change" presentation to four different classes. Normally this would be no problem but given that fact that we would be competing with the pure excitement that come with the last day of school, well, we've all been there.
The "Be The Change" presentation is something we put together specifically for classroom presentations. The presentation's focus is Dr. King's message and work in the last year of his life. The presentation also focuses on the modern relevancy of radical work in the late sixties.
In what ways do the giant triplets of evil(poverty, racism, and militarism), as King called them, control our minds, bodies, and communities? How do these systems of violence and oppression interact and support each other? Pretty serious questions for the last day of school right?
Lastly, after talking about local changes students would like to see in their communities, we gave a pitch for this years "Be The Change" youth convergence which is being held in Atlanta July 29-31.
We were all surprised at how interested all the students were, the Grady crowds were all totally interested and many of them registered on the spot! We even were asked for a photo OP with the 9th grade class president.
So we're just that much more excited about this years "Be The Change" youth convergence!
Keep in mind that we are totally available to do the presentation, which is about 45 minutes, over the next few months. It's appropriate form high school and college aged folks and can be tweaked for specific audiences.
Here is a short part of the presentation:
Tim Franzen
American Friends Service Committee
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