Last Friday evening Peripheral Visions did a film screening of several short documentaries. One of them, called "Last, Best Option", chronicled the work AFSC does to promote non-military options for Atlanta youth. About fifteen of us went to the screening, none of us had seen the film so we were all pretty anxious. The film makers(Kristy Breneman, Kristan Woolford, Victoria Temple, and T.J. Hicks) did an amazing job of capturing the spirit of what we do in Atlanta. All of us were just blown away with the quality and the content of the film.
At the event raffle tickets were sold with all of the proceeds benefiting Student Career Alternatives Program's scholarship program. At the end of the night we were presented with $470! Big ups to everyone with the Peripheral Visions crew for making last Friday such a great night for us. The film is something we're all really exciting about using in the future to shine a light on the work we do.
Film maker Kristy Breneman also worked with our own Josie Figueroa to put together a great short film on our Migrant youth Voice Project.
You can see both short films, meet the youth who were featured in them, meet the film makers, Help lift up the youth we work with, and enjoy a delicious three course meal by attending this event on May 29th. Just Click THIS for the details.
'Last, Best Option'
in collaboration with Members of the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) and its Student Career Alternatives Program (SCAP)
Last, Best Option explores the work of the Student Career Alternatives Program (SCAP), an initiative of the southeast regional office of the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC). The short documentary looks into the ways in which SCAP seeks to educate, activate, and empower young people who are struggling to find future paths, especially those students who feel military service is their "last best option." Veterans, active duty soldiers, military recruiters, students, SCAP organizers, and volunteers all add their own unique voices to a discussion of what this young and innovative program is doing to promote peace and help at-risk youth within the Atlanta area community.
Here's Josie introducing and answering questions about Migrant Youth Voice:
Tim Franzen
American Friends Service Committee
Thanks to all of you for coming out! I kept hearing, "wow they have a ton of people from that AFSC group - they must really be into what they are doing." You guys were amazing to work with and I'm really looking forward to the event on the 29th.