Thursday, October 11, 2012

Jacqueline Barber’s Stay Struck Down By The Court, Jacqueline Vows To Resist Eviction

Today US Bank and GMAC lawyers fought to lift the stay on Jacqueline Barber’s home. Although we packed the courtroom with supporters, they were successful, which brings them one step closer to being able to evict Jacqueline and her four young grandchildren.

The case failed because Jacqueline’s chapter 13 bankruptcy (which was grounds for the stay) was filed after the home was sold on the court house steps.

It is clear that US Bank and GMAC intent to begin the eviction process immediately.
Jacqueline has made it clear that she will fight no matter what stating that, "If they come to put me out, I hope Occupy Our Homes will be carried out with me because they're going to have to have to physically remove me from the property. I refuse to roll over and play dead."

AFSC Atlanta plans to assist Occupy our Homes ATL in an effort to dual track the bank the same way they dual tracked Jacqueline and millions of other Americans. Jacqueline was dual tracked when America's Servicing Company claimed they were working on her modification while simultaneously foreclosing on her. Occupy our Homes ATL will dual track US Bank and GMAC by helping Jacqueline pursue legal action in state court and taking aggressive direct action to keep Jacqueline and her family in their home.

Tomorrow morning at 11am we will be launching a full scale 24/7 occupation of Jacqueline’s home(160 Stearman Road Fayeteville, GA 30296 or 160 Woodland Road Fayeteville, GA 30296). We will be joined by many of Jacqueline's former co-workers at the APD and other supporters, many of whom have committed to refuse to leave when the marshals come to evict. We invite the press for interviews at 11am.

Although US Bank continues to pass the buck when it comes to Jacqueline’s home, it’s very clear that they own the trust that controls the 3,000 mortgage bundle that her house is tied up in (RASC 2006-EMX2) and GMAC is simply the enforcer….or servicer.

Jacqueline's demands remain the same, stop the eviction process, and sell back the home to Jacqueline or her family.

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