Sunday, March 6, 2011

Last Minute PUSH to Save HOPE!!

Tonight our office has been like a bee hive filled with busy bees! Last minute phone calls and e-mails being sent out, discussion on logistical information on tomorrow's press conference, speeches being written and practiced by youth, and of course the huge work of sifting and separating ALL of the failing grade postcards that have been collected over the last six months.

We also had several committed Dekalb County mothers, Kim Ault, Annette Jackson, and Latasha Walker, passing out fliers and getting report cards signed all week at churches and board of education meetings.

I'm happy to say that we have a nice stack of fail report cards for EVERY Senator in Georgia. I'm also excited to say that we have some pretty dynamic young people that are excited about speaking at the capitol tomorrow. We hope YOU will stand with us as we deliver thousands of failing grades to the Georgia Senate for making public education the first stop for budget cuts.

If the dismantling of HOPE moves forward it will literally price out low income folks and the new SAT requirements ensure that non-whites will have even less access to higher education as the SAT is proven to be culturally bias.

We want to give a special thanks to Tamice Gates who worked for countless hours organizing massive amounts of postcards. Tamice had to individually enter each cards address into to figure out which senator it needed to go to. Thanks Tamice!

Tim Franzen
American Friends Service Committee


  1. This is awesome! Georgia Students for Public Higher Education (GSPHE) @ UGA stand in solidarity, and we will mention your efforts in front of 50+ students, faculty, and community members on Monday night. Y'all aren't alone.

  2. Thanks Juan Carlos!
    We need all the friends we can get!
