Today members of the Movement to End Israeli Apartheid Georgia (MEIAG) and Project Hope Atlanta met in Clarkston to take a tour of the space where ESL classes will be taught starting next Tuesday. The ESL classes will be a free service that caters to Palestinian, Iraqi, and other refugee women who live in the area.
The classes represent the first collaboration between both groups. MEIAG has been exploring ways to engage with the Palestinian refugee community for the last year, organizing outings, rides to doctors appointments, and more.
It's exciting to see Project Hope and MEIAG coming together to bring ESL classes right to the doorsteps of refugee women that may not have had access otherwise. It's also impressive that MEIAG's analysis leads the group not only to act for global change by working to end the Apartheid practices of Israel, but to address the local consequences of Aparthied as well.
Kelli's Childcare Collective has agreed to facilitate free childcare in an effort to make classes accessable to mothers in the community.
AFSC Atlanta is exciting to play a supportive role in this exciting new project, and we hope you are too!
You Can Help!
1. We need more volunteer ESL teachers
2. we could really use some help with childcare on Tuesdays from 2-4
3. Donate to cover travel expenses for volunteers
Please contact me if you're able to help at tfranzen@afsc.org
Tim Franzen
American Friends Service Committee
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