Dozens of young ones got free hair cuts |
Dance Parties broke out! |
What happens to Turner Field once
the Braves leave has been a hot topic in Atlanta. Will that land become a
Casino, will new stadiums replace Turner Field, will an Atlantic Station type
development go down? One thing that’s for sure is that the communities
surrounding Turner Field can’t afford another development project that benefits
a few well connected folks while further cutting off and displacing long term
residents that have been living here long before it was cool to move into the
We need strong, organized
communities to make sure that development that happens in the area benefits
those that have been holding down the community for years, but we also need to
have time to relax and enjoy each other, to enjoy the community we love!
Building a movement takes a lot
more then neighborhood meetings and strategy session. Active base building
should include cultural events, house parties and other social events that
bring people together.
Our giant home defender pledge! |
Slip n Slide was a hit! |
This past Saturday we had the
opportunity to work with community partners to do just that. Community Day
brought hundreds of residents together at Four Corners Park in the heart of
beautiful Peoplestown. Although the event is in Peoplestown it's a celebration
of all the amazing Atlanta neighborhoods south of I-20. Families came out for an
afternoon filled with music, entertainment for the kids, community education, and
lots of give aways!
Lots of painted faces! |
With the help of the J dillaFoundation and a ton of local businesses that volunteered to put out donation
boxes we were about to give out close to
300 back packs filled with school supplies and dental packs! We also had
music all day, food for all, a slip and slide for the kids, free ice cream, and
a whole lot more.
Bags, and more bags! |
In an effort to bring more
residents into the movement to protect, improve, and expand affordable housing
we asked folks to sign the pledge to defend their homes and the homes of their
community member, hundreds signed the pledge! We’re excited to continue to work
closely with the newly formed resident led SMP Housing Justice Movement and
Occupy Our Homes Atlanta as the lead the way in the fight to stop mass
displacement in the Turner Field area.
This event simply wouldn’t have
been possible without the support of:
Zulu Nation
Youth on the Move
Boynton Village Tenants
McGruders Grocery
Hop Hop gave back all day! |
We even had live hawks! |
Food prepared by Local business owner Jason Jones,
Wings Express Takeout
1892 Metropolitan Pkwy
Atlanta , GA
Call in 770.696.6915