Over the past week we've been hitting the streets, knocking on doors, attending NPU and civic association meetings, and organizing events and actions designed to bring Vine City residents together.
Today we hosted our second Vine City community meeting and created space for residents to identify the challenges facing their neighborhood, from unemployment, boarded up houses, a growing homeless population, corrupt police, apathetic youth, school closings, trash everywhere, and evictions/ foreclosures the list of challenges is pretty epic.
Vine City has been, and is under attack. Although many outside of the community have said that the fight to save what's left of Vine City is futile, every resident we've spoken with over the last three months has said the fight is worth it.
It's clear that folks need to get more organized. The banks, developers, and government officials that want the poor folks out are super organized and have access to money.
There's another kind of power brewing amongst Vine City residents, people power. This week there are a number of activities initiated by Vine City residents at our Community meeting. Here they are:
Friday April 20th 4pm: Meet at West End Marta station, march to Bank of America and threaten to move in if they don't give Pamela Flore's home back.
Monday 5-7pm: Community Canvassing. Meet at 245 Griffin st.
Monday April 23rd 7:30pm: Screen and the Green! Film screening of "Food Inc" at 245 Griffin street. Snacks provided!
Tuesday 5-7pm: Community Canvassing. Meet at 245 Griffin st.
Wednesday 6pm: Community walk! Meet your friends and neighbors for a walk around the community. Let's experience Vine City block by block and talk with folks we meet, tell them what we are trying to do to stop the institutional forces that would see Vine city turn into Atlantic Station II.
Thursday 7pm: Community Meeting. This is where residents organize the change they want to see in Vine City. Food, childcare, and transportation provided.
Tim Franzen
American Friends Service Committee
Keep up the good fight Tim. You are super organized, efficient, talented, and aggressive. I fully trust your intelligent judgement, as I know you work hard on your various projects night and day... unlike any other I've ever seen. So that being said, I will do what little I can to spread the word about this important fight.