Thursday, February 23, 2012

Report From Occupy AT&T: Day 11

On day eleven of the corporate occupation of AT&T about 25 leaders of various faith traditions came together to pray, contemplate, and express deep concerns for AT&T’s corporate greed.

Why are they concerned? AT&T made record profits last year, had the resources to compensate their CEO to the tune of 27 million dollars, yet they plan to layoff 740 unionized workers in the south east despite the fact that AT&T customers constantly complain that service is slow.

The interfaith service was held on AT&T property and it appeared that AT&T executive staff didn’t have the nerve to ask folks to leave the grounds; they were of course invited to join, as several AT&T workers did.

After the service we passed out hundreds of fliers, put out new signage, and had a visit from the National Action Network, all by 1pm!

We continue to add a tent every day, making our total today 24 tents. We could definitely use more tents, and occupiers of tents. As the weather gets nicer will you commit to join us for a night or two each week?

Can’t camp? That’s okay! There are many ways you can plug in!
*Come spend a few hours flyering
*Pressure at&t to do the right thing!
*Bring food!(water,clif bars, peanut butter, tuna/salmon packs, vitamins, juice boxes, fruit, nuts, dried fruit, Kroger/sevenanda gift cards)
*bring tents,blankets,pillows.
*Donate to Occupy Atlanta!

Tim Franzen
American Friends Service Committee

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