Thursday, May 13, 2010

AFSC Stands with the Task Force for the Homeless

After a three year sustained coordinated effort by the city of Atlanta and the Central Atlanta Progress(CAP) to close the Task Force For the Homeless, the Task Force has finally been foreclosed on. Some might ask what the city and CAP has to do with that. After years of coordinating with Atlanta media, direct communication with Task Force funders, defunding Government grants, and even hiring private a PR firm to mud sling, the City of Atlanta and CAPs has finally broke the economic back of the Task Force. Now I'm not a big fan of claiming conspiracy without hard data so I'd strongly encourage those who are not up to speed to check out the Atlanta Progressive News(APN) ongoing coverage of this story:

The Task Force For The Homeless called for a press conference to take place outside the walls of the shelter at Peachtree and Pine Yesterday at 12:30pm. The press release went out far and wide and the list of folks speaking was impressive. AFSC Atlanta had the honor of setting up the sound system and running sound for the rather large press conference. The message from each speaker and residents of the shelter was very clear: WE ARE NOT LEAVING. We heard story after story of how the shelter had transformed the lives of folks that had hit bottom as a result of economic strife, addiction, war related PTSD, and other struggles. The question was asked, "Where will you go when your pay check runs out?" That specific question had a lot of depth and weight in these tough economic times, so tough that our city is on the verge of evicting homeless people in favor of new commerce?

After the Press conference members of the community, along with Task Force residence, formed a human chain around the massive building. AFSC was very excited to play a role in the effort and we look forward to taking on a task related role in the near future.

Tim Franzen
American Friends Service Committee

For more footage of the Press Conference visit our youtube page at:

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